The Conversation

This photo caught my eye and wanted to share. What conversation are you striking? Have a beautiful day and keep the vision. Tammy

Your vision is always welcome

Change Your Life By Changing Your Mind

Heidi Fettig Parton

Writing with Presence

Learning with Life

A learner for life….wants to live fully….destination matter so does the journey…every movement to feel alive…and die with peace in eyes…being me…

World Yoga Forum

Better Living through Yoga

Living With Intentions

Finding a balanced mind and body.

All Things Work Together

Home of All Things Work Together & Sara's Shorts

Yoga With Amy

Yoga, Meditation & Healing Studio in Rocky Point NY... 631-839-0644

Inner Peace

True wealth is the wealth of the soul

Markus + Micah

Living slow and eating well.

All The Pieces

"The name of my village is Kaskikot. I think this place has all the pieces of Heaven."

Peace, Passion & Purpose

Know Thyself through Mindfulness ... Irisa MacKenzie

my (he)ART

mindfully creating art

The life of a dreamer.

"She believed she could, so she did." 🌙